Overview of the Project

Emission Models and Patterns through Machine Learning Analytics at Barcelona (PATRONS @ BSC) is a project funded by the Severo Ochoa Programme (GA SEV-2015-0493) awarded to the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, and the European Union ERDF/FEDER through the project FEM-IOT (RIS3CAT GA.001-P-001662). PATRONS @ BSC involves research on Time Series Modeling, Data Processing from Sensor Networks, Distributed and Edge Computing, targeting Environmental Models and Pollution Pattern Mining on cities. Also has the objective to maximize the collaboration between current research activities between the Earth Sciences and Computer Sciences Departments at BSC.

PATRONS @ BSC aims to discover the precise relations between different types of emissions, from road traffic to maritime traffic in coastal cities, environmental and weather factors, and the resulting pollution and air quality. The methods and tools used for such purpose correspond to data mining and machine learning, from Stream Mining to Deep Learning techniques, oriented towards distributed computing using frameworks like Apache Spark and distributed DataBases like HBase and HIVE.

The 'Patrons @ BSC' project is a joint effort of the Earth Sciences and the Computer Sciences departments at the BSC. The involved members from Earth Sciences belong to the Emission Modeling research and Services groups, while the involved members from Computer Sciences belong to the Data-Centric Computing research group. Such effort is financially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy (MEIC) through a Severo Ochoa Excellence grant, awarded to the BSC, also has the support of the Spanish Ports Authority by providing the data from maritime Automated Identification System (AIS) sources. Further, the technologies used in this project are being researched and developed at Hi-EST project, funded through a ERC Starting Grant (GA 639595).

About Severo Ochoa programme:

The Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness' Department of Research, Innovation and Development, within its Institutional Strengthening programme, awards the Severo Ochoa mark to research entities involved in frontier research activities that are among the best in the world in their respective fields. The international scientific impact and leadership shown by these centres is a central consideration for receiving a Severo Ochoa award for excellence. BSC obtained a Severo Ochoa award in 2015 (SEV-2015-0493), for a programme to be developed in the period 2016-2019.


About FemIoT project:

El projecte FemIoT amb número d'expedient 001-P-001662 ha estat cofinançat en un 50% amb 1.997.659,60€ pel Fons Europeu de Desenvolupament Regional de la Unió Europea en el marc de el Programa Operatiu FEDER de Catalunya 2014-2020, amb el suport de la Generalitat de Catalunya.

El proyecto FemIoT con número de expediente 001-P-001662 ha sido cofinanciado en un 50% con 1.997.659,60€ por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional de la Unión Europea en el marco del Programa Operativo FEDER de Cataluña 2014-2020, con el soporte de la Generalitat de Catalunya.

The FemIoT project with expedient number 001-P-001662 has been 50% co-financed with 1.997.659,60€ by the European Fund for Regional Development of the European Union within the framework of the 2014-2020 ERDF Operational Program of Catalonia, with the support of the Generalitat of Catalonia.


About Hi-EST project:

Holistic Integration of Emerging Supercomputing Technologies (Hi-EST, 2015-2020) is a 5-year project funded by an ERC Starting Grant (GA 639595) awarded to Dr. David Carrera. Hi-EST involves research in Adaptive Learning Algorithms, Task Placement and Scheduling Algorithms, Data Placement Strategies and Software Defined Environments, and has the objective to maximize positive synergies between current research activities in the Computer Sciences Department at BSC.